Tuesday, March 06, 2012


App is 7.5 weeks now and soon will be joining his new family. Since mama Skye left here, I got busier. App is very active pup, he spends less time sleeping and whenever he is awake, he is always up for mischief. He likes to tease Sonic and Scara to play with him and thank GOD for that. The others tried to avoid him all the time because he is very bouncy and full of bean. Sonic and Scara take turn to entertain him.

App had a great day out last Friday. We went to visit Ann and her terrier crosses. Ann is a good friend of ours. Her children always come to socialise our puppies. We spent an hour in Ann's garden. App was a very good little boy. He took everything in his own stride. Those bouncy terrier crosses didn't bother him at all. Many times, he tried to join in but his little legs weren't fast enough to catch up with them. It was really funny to watch. Ann was doing some household chaos, so he got to see Aunty Ann hanging up her washing and a bit of hoovering the house. Sadly, I forgot my camera but I was lucky to borrow Ann's camera to take some photos. We are still waiting for the photos. Soon I receive them, I will put it up here. 

After that, we went to High Street for coffee and lunch. It was a very busy High Street full of noisy traffic. App was very happy slept in Aunty Ann's arm the whole 2 hours while we eat and chat. 

 App giving Aunty a kiss

After lunch, we went to the school to pick up Ann's youngest dauggter Ailish. We got there a little early so App can see the children and parents ... Again, App was happy in Ann's arm watching the world goes by.

 App meeting school children, he thinks their fingers are very tasty :)
App is very friendly little chap, he is very happy meeting new people and has not show any sign of any shyness. I took him to Pachesham with me on Thursday while I train my dogs, he was passing around like little parcel and he was happy to sit on people lap watching the exciting Agility. 

App was not very patient waiting in the crate watching Agility :)

We had some really good weather last week. It was sunny and warm. We spent a lot of time in the garden. App loves to be outdoor chasing the big boys ...

I was away on the weekend with Sizzle. We ran in the UKA show on Saturday and then Team training on Sunday. Colin stayed for puppy duty and shelties duty. He spoilt the puppy and when I got back on Sunday night, I immediately see the changes :) Apparently, he has been a lazy puppy watcher :) he lets App climb on the settee, I think his idea was thinking App will snuggle up to him and watch TV with him together but I don't think so! He has now learned that he can attacked grandpa Colin :)

 App wanted to bite Colin's hair :)

 ... and ti chew his fingers!

... and tug on his sock :)

All evening, I can hear Colin goes "Awwww Awwww Awwww ..." That serves him right LOL

 a very tired App and daddy Sing. Very cosy together on the couch in the evening. Bless!

 NO, I am not sending him to Netherlands by Amazon :)

 butter wouldn't melt expression :)

Sweet? Not! This is what he does most of the time, to jump all over Scara. Who wins? I think App :)

I've also introduce clicker to him this week and he picks it up very quickly :) He's been skate boarding with clicker yesterday, I was rather impressed! Sadly no video as my video camera decided it is time for him to rest forever now :(

I am hoping upload some videos of App when I get a spare moment and also to do a big update on the big boys after App's join his new family. For now, I am off to entertain the little mischievous :)


Vonnie said...

Awww he is such a bundle of joy! Looks like he'll take agility in his stride (if he is going to be doing it)

corbinwooten said...

App, you are so cute! I wish you were coming to live with me! :)

(I loved the name of your blog post-clever!)

Chris and Ricky said...

App is a cutie and a handful!

Jolanda said...

He is soooooo cute, must be hard to let him go. He's going to a great country though. ;)